Directors Kimberly Chou Tsun An and Amanda Dell run Food Book Fair, supported by a roster of eaters, readers, drinkers and thinkers who get things done.
A reformed journalist, Kim previously worked in newspapers and online media. Amanda is a native New Yorker with over a decade of high-end hospitality, public relations/marketing and event experience.
Together they run Food Book Fair as well as consult on other creative projects.
Photo by Mackenzie Anne Smith
Q: Where did Food Book Fair come from?
A: Food Book Fair was the brainchild of founder Elizabeth Thacker Jones, inspired by her time in New York University's Food Studies program.
Q: Is Food Book Fair solely about books?
A: Food Book Fair is about books and beyond. We get down with cookbooks, of course, but we also dig food memoirs, political writing, food art and design, independent magazines, television, film, comics. We are especially grateful to create and hold space to amplify the voices of folks of color, queer folks, women and non-binary individuals who are engaged in food media.
Q: Who should attend Food Book Fair?
A: Food Book Fair is for everyone. Our events draw many of our friends from the restaurant industry and larger food world, plus the media and publishing space. We welcome anyone with an interest in eating, drinking and thinking and pushing the boundaries of what we talk about when we talk about food.
Q: I have a/n [event/sponsorship/book signing/other] idea for the Fair!
A: We love exploring potential partnerships or collaborations. Send us a note at info@foodbookfair.com with "PROPOSAL" in the subject line with a brief description.
Q: Will you consider my book for the pop-up bookstore or a Greenmarket signing?
A: We work in tandem with Kitchen Arts & Letters and Now Serving to put together our festival pop-up shop, and we partner with the folks at GrowNYC/Greenmarket to curate our list of seasonal signings. Feel free to reach out at info@foodbookfair.com; we'll be in touch if there's a good fit.
Q: What happened to Foodieodicals?
A: We ARE Foodieodicals! Our signature magazine expo — featuring dozens of independent publishers vending mags, books and all kinds of other swag — is now simply know as “Food Book Fair.”